
Showing posts from October, 2019

Human Lines

I completely forgot about these edits that I did a couple of years ago! Since switching to a new computer I went through a lot of files and tried to better organize my work. Here are the pieces I uncovered This was a project that I only started to explore. Going forward I would love to try to something that incorporating screen printing on top of photographs or other digital prints. I recently started to see others sharing work like this and thought to myself, I do this all the time! Stay Strong & Style On -Kristina

Navigating Through Unemployment

It has officially been six months since I got laid off from my job. I went to work on April 10th, expecting a pretty busy but normal day. Between designing the GabiFresh x Swimsuitsforall collection for 2020 and helping my technical designer sketch items for FullBeauty's swim AND working on the regular cruise assortment I got to the office early and started working hard. Whispers were echoing across the office that someone from Human Resources was in the office along with our VP and that something was going to happen. Honestly, I didn't think much of it! Our VP had regularly been making visits to the office since being put in charge of our division and having someone from HR didn't really surprise me. Maybe an hour or so into my day my cell phone rang at my desk; It was the VP calling and he asked me to come to the other side of the office and meet him in one of the other rooms. My initial thoughts were maybe they were investigating a complaint, wanted more info