
Showing posts from October, 2017

🎃 Fall Festivities 🌽

It's finally to starting to feel like fall here in New Jersey, so my friends and I decided to go out to the corn maze at Stony Hill Farms in Chester, NJ. 🌽 Several of them went the year before and took about 2 hours to escape the maze! I wasn't sure how long it was going to take us, but we definitely had fun along the way! We first started out taking only right turns thru the maze and it seemed to get us pretty far...pretty far until we ended up at the entrance to the maze again! I wouldn't say we gave up, but we gave in and really used the map to get us out of there! Our entry price also included a hay ride, so my friend and I took a ride down to the pumpkin patch in search for the perfect pumpkins! 🎃 Flannel: Similar | Jeans: Old Navy | Boots: Timberland ( Similar ) | Hat: Similar We've had quite a warm fall so it's been nice finally getting to do some seasonal activities.  It was even humid while we were out last weekend, b

DC Quickie

I hadn't been down in "The District" since 2013, so visiting a friend who lives outside of the city in Maryland was a nice little change of pace. I use to date a guy at the beginning of college who lived in Alexandria, so taking the bus to DC's Chinatown was a regular occurrence. Being back in the city definitely brought a lot of memories rushing back but I was also there making some new ones with some old friends. My friend Mandy from high school lives in Maryland now about a 25 minute metro ride from the center of DC.  I had been wanting to visit for a while and it just so worked out that we were both available the weekend I wanted to visit. I wasn't sure if we were going to get any city time but we decided to venture out on Saturday to visit The National Portrait Gallery and the National Gallery of Art . We went to the National Portrait Gallery first.  They had a couple of different cool exhibitions on view.  I was most excited to see the Marlene