New Year, New Goals

I've never really liked the phrase, "My new year's resolution is..." I personally like making goals more than resolutions.  Things I want to improve on, I want to do or see and maybe a few things I'd like to quit.  This is my list for 2015:

1. I want to write more

It may or may not surprise you but along with my fashion degree, I also graduated with a minor in creative writing.  Writing has been a secret passion of mine for a while and I only share my writing to particular audiences.  I mostly write poetry but I also like writing short stories (none of which that I have finished.) This year I want to write more, at least once a day.  Another great thing that comes with this is next on my to-do.

2. Get published or self publish my work.

Since I graduated in 2013 I've been trying to submit my work to a few different literary magazines but have had no luck so far.  It's hard to find the right magazine for your work and some times I feel like that there is no zine out there that will want my work.  Rejection is hard but I remind myself that my writing isn't the problem and that it might just be I'm submitting to the wrong magazine.  This year I want to find the right magazine to submit to and send my finest works.  If not that I'm thinking that I might want to try and self publish my work in some kind of a Chapbook or Zine.

3. Find a full time job

As much as I enjoy interning, it's time for me to get a big girl salary paying job.  I've been interning now since October 2013 and to say the least, it's been exhausting.
The first few months after graduating were probably the worst.  I fought hard and searched endlessly for opportunities after graduation but wasn't able to find anything and moved back to New Hampshire. I must of applied to 50+ places before I graduated and even after as well but didn't get anything.  I nearly got a position with L.L. Bean but wasn't chosen when it came down to the final two.
Shortly after I got a call from Timberland asking if I'd be interested in interviewing for a footwear design intern.  I went in for my interview on Wednesday and was expecting to hear from them after labor day but that Friday I got the call that I was hired.  It was thrilling to hear and some of the weight had been lifted from my shoulders.
After 6 months of Timberland, I started my journey here with Destination Maternity. My original position was with Motherhood Maternity and I was with that division from May to December.  Last week I started my new internship with A Pea in the Pod, which is one of the other divisions at Destination Maternity.  It's been pretty different so far!
It's been tough not knowing what's next but I am ready for the next step in the job world.

4. Redo my portfolio

With applying for a full time job I also have to showcase my work through my portfolio.  It's been nearly two years since I graduated and my portfolio needs some sprucing up.  I've been researching a number of ideas but I still need to find something that really says "me" on it while also keeping in mind who/which company I am applying for.  My dream is to still design dresses or bridal gowns but unfortunately the most obtainable jobs are the ones that are in a more corporate setting.

5. Travel

The top places on my list this year are: Iceland, Ireland, England and California.  I haven't been out of the country in quite some time now and I'm ready for a new adventure.  I've been drooling over visiting Iceland for years and I'm feeling like now is the time to go.  It's been tough to travel because of work and not enough money but I've been saving to do something great like this.  I'd like to think I could travel solo since I do have friends I intend on visiting while I'm in Ireland and in England but I would love to go with my best friend, Anastasia.  A travel pro herself, she has already backpacked through parts of Europe with a friend and spent a week or so in Norway earlier last year.

California is a place that I've only been to once.  I was in high school and we went as a family.  It was OK but I don't think I got to experience it the way that I wanted to.  I have several friends from California that I want to see and a few places that I want to go.

New York is also on my list.  I've been to NYC plenty of times but not recently.  With the majority of my friends from college living/working in the city, I would love to get together with them again.  It's been far too long since we spent time getting a little out of hand.

6. Sew more of my own clothes

I've already started to do this a little, especially while I was still living at home.  I found that I had a little more time to devote to some smaller projects.  Some of the fruits of my labor include my Cherry Bomb Skirt, and my Avengers Skirt as well. And let's not forget my awesome Halloween Water Nymph costume.  I'm hoping to finished the 1940s style patter that I bought late last year.  I got some fabric too so I could sew one for me and one for my mom.

I enjoy making my own things.  It keeps my sewing and patterning skills in check and it's a nice distraction for me instead of being on the computer or watching too much TV. Sewing is also a great way to challenge myself/brain and not get too rusty.

7. Do more yoga/rejoin the gym

To be honest, since I graduated college I haven't been nearly as active as I use to be. In college I walked literally everywhere, didn't drive and was at the gym once or maybe twice if I could sneak it in there. I was fit, in shape and I felt awesome about my body. When I moved home after college, my diet and routines changed, I had a car again and my parents were the ones cooking dinner.  I gained a few pounds and sort of let myself go a little (small girls have insecurities too!).  Last January I started using the "MyFitnessPal" app and started tracking my intake and my exercise. It started out great but slowly declined. I did lose the weight but didn't keep up.

While I stopped going to the gym, I did start to focus more on my yoga practice.  It's been great for my anxiety and my body in general.  I know that I'm toning my body and strengthening it.  But I want to do more!  I follow a great Yogi on Instagram and she has been so inspiring to me.  Her IG is yogi_klokateer_315.  If you're looking for someone to inspire you, she's a great pick!

I want to develop my yoga practice, become stronger and a lot more in shape this year, I can do it! If you need some inspiration of your own, you can also check out my Fitspo board on Pinterest!

8. Be more confident

To be honest, I have my moments of low self esteem as does everyone but I can say that in recent years it has gotten a lot better! When I was younger I was insecure about pretty much everything.  The way I looked, my hair, body, how I dressed, etc.  It wasn't until maybe my junior year of high school that things slowly started to change and I started to truly define myself.  After high school and moving to Philadelphia for college and spending most of my college experience being single, I got a chance to really figure out who I am, what I stand for and what I want in life.  I learned never to settle for anything or anyone and to dress how I wanted and do whatever the hell I wanted to do to my hair. 

I still have moments where I think poorly of myself but this year I want to not be ashamed or afraid to do something strictly because of a lack of confidence.  I am me and I am great.  Of course there are things I know I can work on (hence this list) but these things take time.  Maybe one day I'll get there.

9. Buy Stock

So I know this sort of seems like a weird one, but it should be on your list too!  Buying stock is probably one of the better things you can do with the money you make in order to make more money. But you know what they say...."Mo' money mo' problems" -Notorious B.I.G.
No, but really. It's a good investment to make and a way to make some money. Obviously this isn't "The Wolf of Wall Street" but it's good to have.  I've been doing some research and I hope in maybe 3 months I'll buy into 3 or so companies.

10. Eat well/ Learn more recipes/try new things

If you've been following along with my blog at all, you might know that I've recently stopped being a vegetarian and have started to explore foods and recipes that I haven't tried before.  So far I've found a few that I continue to make from time to time.  I think what I've liked best is the Creamy Tomato Tortellini soup.  The image above is from a BuzzFeed post that I came across that has some recipes I'm thinking of trying out at some point; of which I'll be sure to make a post for you all to follow along! Read more about those tasty's here.

11. Get my hair cut short (again)

Back in November 2011 I chopped all of my hair off and I'm considering doing it again! The longer it gets, the greater the need becomes!!! I really liked having it as a pixie.  The only pain was how often I had to get it cut in order to keep it the way I liked.  My hair grows at a rapid rate and I found that I had to get a cut maybe every (what felt like) 5 weeks.  I might venture off in short-hair land again, who knows. Or recently I've considered dyeing it again.  I did swear off hair dye for 6 months, which is almost up.  But I saw the most beautiful purple hair dye at Walgreen's the other night and this could break me!

12. Go to a movie night at The Troc

In Philly we have a sweet venue called The Trocadero, otherwise known as "The Troc" not only do they host some killer concerts they also have Movie Mondays where they show a different film each Monday night.  I've been wanting to go since I turned 21 but still haven't made it out to one just yet. I believe this coming Monday they are showing Gone Girl  and the week after they are showing American Psycho in case any of you are interested!  The Troc also hosts Karaoke knights with Skeletor, Zombie Prom and a few other fun events which at some point I would love to go to.  Check them out!

13. Go to 4-5 concerts with or without someone

Okay okay, I know it's super intimidating to go to a show by yourself, but honestly I've flown solo twice now and it's been a great experience both times.  Two years ago I went to see Senses Fail on my own and this past year went to a Placebo show by myself.  But honestly, you make friends!  Depending on who you are going to see other fans who are there for the same reason as you are often friendly and like to talk about the bands with you or sometimes talk about the drunk weirdos around you. So far I only have my beloved Alkaline Trio lined up to see in May with a friend of mine. But I'm sure there will be more shows along the way!

14. Adopt a kitten (only if the right time occurs)

 If you think I'm kidding, I'm sure as hell not. I've wanted a pet to call my own since I was a kid but still haven't had the chance.  I grew up in a home with no pets at all, not even a little fishy! Since moving out, I've really wanted to get a cat but I've put the breaks on until I have a permanent place to live and a full time job.  The last thing I want to do it take in a little kitten and move all over the place.  I've been moving from place to place since May and I want to be settled before adding the first member to my little "family"

Currently, my roommate has two cats which are the cutest things ever.  I've found that being around animals (specifically cats) has made me a lot happier and they're a nice source of comfort and company for me.  I gush over all the cute little cats on the adoption website all the time but hopefully someday soon I'll get to adopt one and give it all of my love! 


Well, there you have it folks.  These are my goals for 2015. Bless your heart if you went through and read all of what I had to say about each goal.  What are your goals for 2015?  Share in the comments!

Wishing you a happy and healthy new year!



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