Feature: The Thrifty Gentleman

The other weekend "The Thrifty Gentleman" (aka Floyd Walker Jr) and I collaborated in doing a shoot for his instagram account which is actually called ThriftyGentleman. Walker's IG features outfits from which he has collected from thrift stores. His main go to seems to be Goodwill but also shops at other thrifty places as well.
His style is sleek, classy, tailored and timeless, his identity goes unknown to the internet world. Here's a look at what we wore

Floyd is in his 3-piece corduroy suit while I match in my corduroy dress from Maeve. His is thrifted, mine is gifted/hand me down. We just lucky for us that we had a bottle of wine to celebrate!

His: A nice 3-piece suit. Navy jacket with notched lapel. The shirt he has on has printed lighthouses on them. To match, he wears a grey vest and faded olive pants.  And just check those caramel oxfords! (All thrifted!)

Hers: I'm wearing a vintage wool dress from Sears courtesy of my roommates hand me downs. My shoes are Carlos by Carlos Santana thrifted from Buffalo Exchange~~

We had a really fun time shooting and we plan to do more in the future!  I'm hoping to make this a monthly collaboration with The Thrifty Gentleman and with others as well!

Stay classy, cats!



  1. Great post I would like to thank you for the efforts you have made in writing this interesting and knowledgeable article.
    David Muera


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